Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the different types of seizures?
Partial Seizures begin in a specific part of the brain. These include:
Simple Partial - A seizure that does not alter consciousness. May produce abnormal sensations such as an unpleasant smell, or a motor movement such as jerking of the arm.
Complex Partial - Seizure that alters consciousness causing confusion.
Generalized seizures afffect both hemispheres of the brain. These include:
Absence - Previously known as petit mal, triggers a short lapse of consiousness.
Atonic - Previously known as a drop attack, causes a complete loss of muscle control and results in collapse.
Myoclonic - Triggers sudden jerking in the muscles, often in the arms and legs.
Tonic-clonic - Triggers a fall to the ground (tonic phase), followed by jerking movements (clonic phase).
Other types of seizures include:
Febrile seizures - Caused by higher fever in young children; does not always lead to epilepsy.
Status epilpticus - Seizures, life-threatening, nonstop seizures; can be either partial or generalized.